Filing For Bankruptcy: Can You Avoid It?

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When you are in significant financial difficulties, it’s only natural to consider filing for bankruptcy. After all, bankruptcy wipes out your debt and offers a fresh start. Unfortunately, having a bankruptcy on your record has some seriously negative consequences, such as destroying your credit rating. Depending on your circumstances, other choices could be more appropriate. Here are several important options to think about. Aggressive Creditors If the main reason you are considering bankruptcy is to protect yourself from overly aggressive or harassing creditors, then it’s vital to understand that the law is on your side.…

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Been Injured In A Car Accident? Why Physical Therapy Is Crucial To Your Personal Injury Case And Your Physical Recovery

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If you spend any time driving in the United States, you should know that there are approximately6 million car accidents every year, with about 3 million people suffering injuries from those accidents. Unfortunately, that means you have a good chance of being involved in at least one car accident during your lifetime. The important thing to remember is that you’re going to need help after a car accident; both medical and legal help.…

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Factors That Affect Your Repayment Plan In Chapter 13

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When you choose to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your attorney will create a customized repayment plan for you. The frequency of your payments and the amount you must pay is something your attorney will determine based on your income and debts. Here are some of the factors that will play a role in determining the details of your repayment plan. Your Income The first thing that matters in a Chapter 13 case is the person’s income.…

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